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  • SPEMF Solid Phase Extraction Vacuum Manifold
  • SPEMF Solid Phase Extraction Vacuum Manifold

SPEMF Solid Phase Extraction Vacuum Manifold

Solid Phase Extraction Vacuum Manifold processes multiple samples at the same time to realize activating, loading, rinsing, eluting and other processes in SPE sample pretreatment by controlling the pressure.



● Accuracy: individual valves control the flow rate independently and accurately
● Convenience: the pressure gauge is installed on the upper side of sealing cover, which is easy to read
● Compatibility: the height of the test tube rack is adjustable to meet the needs of different capacities
● Reliability: the vacuum chamber is formed by a quartz glass mold with uniform wall thickness and other parts are made of PTFE material, which are resistant to strong acid and alkali
● Anti-pollution: anti-cross-contamination and anti-atomization vacuum chamber design
●Efficiency: compatible with a large capacity collector to concentrate mass samples rapidly
● Stability: special designed flow channel enablet the pressure more uniform and the flow rate more stable


Ports 12 24
Lid Polyoxymethylene Polyoxymethylene
Glass Vacuum Chamber Quartz Quartz
Pressure Resistance -80 Kpa -80 Kpa
Stable Pressure 0~80 Kpa 0~80 Kpa
Test Tubes ≤105mm,φ10/φ13/φ15 ≤105mm,φ10/φ13/φ15

Ordering Information

Cat.# Description Qty.
SPEMF12G-E 12-Port SPE Vacuum Manifold,square shape,individual flow valve, transparent glass 1Set/Carton
SPEMF24G-S-E 24-Port SPE Vacuum Manifold,square shape individual flow valve, transparent glass 1Set/Carton

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