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  • 0.1% Brilliant Green Sloution
  • 0.1% Brilliant Green Sloution

0.1% Brilliant Green Sloution

SKU: TJ004

DESCRIPTION: 0.1% Brilliant Green Solution, add each vial to 100mL of TTB before use.
APPLICATlON: For selective enrichment of Salmonella, TJ003 iodine solution and TJ004 brilliant green should be added.

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Product Information
PRODUCT NAME 0.1% Brilliant Green Sloution
QUANTITY 1 mL×10 vials
DESCRIPTION 0.1% Brilliant Green Solution, add each vial to 100mL of TTB before use.
APPLICATION For selective enrichment of Salmonella, TJ003 iodine solution and TJ004 brilliant green should be added.
PRINCIPLE Brilliant Green can inhibit gram positive bacteria. At high concentrations, it can also inhibit Escherichia coli and other coliform bacteria, while Salmonella is highly resistant to it.
STORAGE Store at 2-8℃.
SHELF LIFE Shelf life of sealed product is 1 year.
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