  • Aseptic Transfer Caps for Erlenmeyer Flask
  • Aseptic Transfer Caps for Erlenmeyer Flask

Aseptic Transfer Caps for Erlenmeyer Flask

Depending on diff erent processes or cultiv ation environments, the erlenmeyer flask needs to be used with different caps and tubing systems.

Depending on diff erent processes or cultiv ation environments, the erlenmeyer flask needs to be used with different caps and tubing systems.
The multi-function and bidirectional aseptic transfer caps can be used for the bidirectional transfer of liquids. They facilitate the addition and collection of solutions through peristaltic pumps conveniently,safely,and effectively. The inverted aseptic transfer cap allows the addition of solutions through a peristaltic pump, and when it's time for harvesting, the flask is inverted to let gravity assist in collecting and storing the solution.
Cat.# Description Qty.
23901 Multi-FunctionalAsepticTransferCapsfor3LErlenmeyerFlask 4Pcs/PK
23801 Multi-FunctionalAsepticTransferCapsfor5LErlenmeyerFlask 4Pcs/PK
23902 InveredAsepticTransferCapsfor3LErlenmeyerFlask 4Pcs/PK
23802 InveredAsepticTransferCapsfor5LErlenmeyerFlask 4Pcs/PK
23903 BidirectionalAsepticTransferCapsfor3LErlenmeyerFlask 4Pcs/PK
23803 BidirectionalAsepticTransferCapsfor5LErlenmeyerFlask 4Pcs/PK

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