  • Copure® Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Cartridges
  • Copure® Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Cartridges

Copure® Supported Liquid Extraction (SLE) Cartridges

Revolutionary Liquid-Liquid Extraction Solution

SLE (Solid Supported Liquid/Liquid Extraction) is a highly efficient and economical new extraction method. Only two steps of sample application and elution need to extract target compounds from the aqueous phase. SLE is widely applied to the fields of food safety, environmental monitoring, clinical diagnosis, forensic science and industrial product testing.


● High recovery rate and good repeatability
● Simplified operation steps and shorter pre-processing time
● No shaking required, no microemulsion
● Less consumption of organic solvent and cost saving
● Easy to automate and parallelize


● Detection of drugs in biological fluids, for example,
antidepressant Sertraline and the anti-inflammatory drug
● Detection of parabens in cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and

Ordering Information

Cat.# Description Qty.
COSLE1CC SLE Cartridges,1 mL 100 Pcs/Box
COSLE3CC SLE Cartridges,3 mL 50 Pcs/Box
COSLE6CC SLE Cartridges,6 mL 30 Pcs/Box
COSLE12CC SLE Cartridges,12 mL 20 Pcs/Box

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