  • Copure® HPLC Columns Specially for Mycotoxin
  • Copure® HPLC Columns Specially for Mycotoxin

Copure® HPLC Columns Specially for Mycotoxin

This product features high-strength silica particles with enhanced pressure tolerance, suitable for UPLC system pressures. The column’s proprietary end-capping technology provides a broad range of compound inertness and improves retention for polar compounds. It is compatible with all aqueous phases, exhibits excellent acid resistance, and minimizes column loss over extended use.

Ochratoxin A
Reference Method: GB 5009.96-2016
Column: Copure® HPLC ColumnsSpecially for Mycotoxin (4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm)
Part Number: HMY01
Mobile Phase: Acetonitrile-Water-Glacial
Acetic Acid (96+102+2)
Flow Rate: 1.0 mL/min
Column Temperature: 35℃
Injection Volume: 50 μL
Detection Wavelength: 460nm
Excitation Wavelength: 333nm

Ochratoxin A Liquid Chromatography

Reference Method: GB 5009.240-2023
Instrument: UPLC-MS/MS (Thermo Fisher TSQ
Column: Copure® HPLC Column for Mycotoxins
(2.1 mm×100 mm, 3 μm)
Part Number: HMY02
Mobile Phase: A: Water (0.1% Formic Acid)
B: 0.1% Formic Acid Methanol Solution
Elution Mode: Gradient Elution, see Table 1
Flow Rate: 0.3 mL/min
Column Temperature: 35℃
Injection Volume: 5 μL
Elution Program, Table 1
Time /min A/% B/%
0 60 40
1.5 60 40
6.5 5 95
7 5 95
7.5 60 40
10 60 40

Mass Spectrometry Conditions
Ion Source: HESI
Electrospray Voltage: 3500 V
Sheath Gas Pressure: 40 arb
Auxiliary Gas Pressure: 2 arb
Ion Transfer Tube: 380℃
Auxiliary Temperature: 350℃
See Table 2 for Ion Pair Information
Table 2 Ion Pair Information
No. Item Parent Ion (m/z) Daughter Ion (m/z)
1 Fumonisin B2 706.55 318.28
706.55 336.262
2 Fumonisin B1 722 334.25
722 352.26

II. Extracted Ion Chromatograms of Fumonisins

Fumonisin B1

Fumonisin B2

Aflatoxin B1
Reference Method: GB 5009.22-2016
Column: Copure® HPLC Column for Mycotoxins (2.1
mm×100 mm, 3 μm)
Part Number: HMY02
Mobile Phase: A: 5 mmol/L Ammonium Acetate B:
0.1% Formic Acid Methanol
Flow Rate: 0.3 mL/min
Column Temperature: 40℃
Injection Volume: 5 μL
Elution Mode: Gradient Elution, see Table 1
Table 1: Gradient Elution Program
Time /min A/% B/%
0 90 10
1.2 40 60
2.1 10 90
4.8 10 90
5 90 10
6 90 10

Mass Spectrometry Conditions
Ion Source: HESI
Scan Mode: Positive Ion Scan
Electrospray Voltage: 3500 V
Sheath Gas Pressure: 30 arb
Auxiliary Gas Pressure: 8 arb
Ion Transfer Tube: 300℃
Auxiliary Temperature: 350℃
Table 2 Component Names, Retention Times, and
Characteristic Ions ( indicates Quantitative Ion)*
Component Name Parent Ion Daughter Ion
Aflatoxin B1 313.1 285*、241.1
13C17-AFB1 330.1 255、301*

Ion Chromatogram of Aflatoxin B1

Ordering Information

Cat.# Specification Qty.
HMY01 4.6mm×250mm,5μm 1 unit/box
HMY02 2.1mm×100mm,3μm 1 unit/box
HMY03 2.1mm×100mm,1.7μm 1 unit/box

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