  • Copure® HPLC Columns Specially for Synthetic Colorants
  • Copure® HPLC Columns Specially for Synthetic Colorants

Copure® HPLC Columns Specially for Synthetic Colorants

Based on the latest national standard GB 5009.35-2023, Biocomma has launched the Copure® HPLC column specially for synthetic colorants. This product utilizes monodisperse silica particles with fast mass transfer and high separation efficiency, combined with suitable bonding coverage and full end-capping technology. It ensures accurate and efficient detection of synthetic colorants, providing high-density tailing reproducibility and excellent peak shape performance, and an extended service life.

11 Types of Synthetic Colorants
Reference Method: GB 5009.35-2023
Column: Copure® HPLC Column for Synthetic Colorants (4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm)
Part Number: HDYE01
Mobile Phase: A: 20mmol/L Ammonium Acetate B:
Elution Mode: Gradient Elution, see Table 1
Flow Rate: 1.0 mL/min
Column Temperature: 30℃
Injection Volume: 10 μL
Detector: UV Detector
Detection Wavelength: 400-800 nm
Table 1 Elution Program
Time /min A/% B/%
0.01 90 10
12.0 65 35
19.0 55 45
22.5 50 50
23.0 45 55
24.0 35 65
34.0 35 65
35.0 90 10
42.0 90 10

Liquid Chromatography of 11 Synthetic Colorants

415nm: 1. Tartrazine
2. Quinoline Yellow 1
3. Quinoline Yellow 2
4. Quinoline Yellow 3
5. Quinoline Yellow 4
520nm: 1. New Red
2. Amaranth
3. Carmine
4. Sunset Yellow
5. Allura Red
6. Acid Red
7. Erythrosine
610nm: 1. Indigo Carmine
2. Brilliant Blue 1
3. Brilliant Blue 2

Ordering Information

Cat.# Specification Qty.
HDYE01 4.6mm×250mm,5μm 1 unit/box

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