  • Copure® HLB Lim Cartridges for Multi-Residue Analysis of Veterinary Drug
  • Copure® HLB Lim Cartridges for Multi-Residue Analysis of Veterinary Drug

Copure® HLB Lim Cartridges for Multi-Residue Analysis of Veterinary Drug

HLB Lim cartridge is a new type of solid phase extraction column packed with special sorbent. Comparing to traditional SPE cartridges, it removes interfering substances such as fat, phospholipid and pigment faster to reduce matrix effect.

The HLB Lim Cartridge greatly simplifies the process of sample preparation.Activation and equilibration steps can be skipped. Filtering the sample directly after extraction saves a lot of time and reagents so that the sample preparation is simpler and more efficient.


● One step purification and shorter pretreatment time
● High recovery rate and good reproducibility.
● Suitable for multi-matrix and multi-residue analysis of veterinary drug.
● Save solvent and cost

Typical Recovery

Compound Recovery(%)
Tetracycline 97.7
Chlortetracycline 87.9
Oxytetracycline 87.7
Ractopamine 95.8
Salbutamol 108
Clenbuterol 91.6

Ordering Information

Cat # Description Qty.
COHLB3200-Lim Copure® HLB Lim Cartridges,3 mL 50 Pcs/Box


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