  • CommaSil® CN HPLC Column
  • CommaSil® CN HPLC Column

CommaSil® CN HPLC Column

CommaSil® CN HPLC Column has three separation modes: normal phase, reversed phase and HILIC to provide multiple retention mechanisms. The surface-bonded cyano group forms a strong dipole-dipole interaction with polar compounds, while the propyl chain provides a hydrophobic interaction. This combination presents unique selectivity and broadens the scope of chromatographic applications. scope. The column has a fast elution speed for hydrophobic molecules and unique selectivity for polar compounds. Also, the peak shape is good for the separation of strongly basic compounds (including ammonium salts). CommaSil® CN HPLC Column differs from common C18, C8, C4 phenyl, and other reversed-phase columns in selectivity and the highest polarity. The different selectivity enable the column to play the role of normal phase and reversed phase when using different separation modes. CN column may be considered when C18 and C8 columns or typical reversed-phase eluents do not effectively elute extremely hydrophobic compounds.

Determination of Azocarbonamide
Chromatographic column: CommaSil® CN (250×4.6mm, 5μm)
Cat #: HCN536
Detector: UV detector
Wavelength: 245nm
Flow rate: 0.6ml/min
Column temperature: 25℃
Injection volume: 10uLMobile phase: 20mmol/L ammonium acetate aqueous solution

Azocarboxamide liquid chromatogram

CommaSil® AMIDE-H Sugar HPLC Column
Chromatographic column: CommaSil® AMIDE-H (4.6 mm×150 mm,3μm)
Cat#: HAMH434
Mobile phase: 20 mmol/L ammonium acetate solution (adjusted to pH7.5 with ammonia) : methanol = 95:5
Detector: ELSD
Flow rate: 1.0 mL/min
Temperature: 50 ℃
Mobile phase A: 0.2% triethylamine solution, B: acetonitrile
Wavelength: 230 nm
Injection volume: 5 μL
Time (min) A (%) B (%)
0 10 90
6 10 90
11 30 70
20 30 70
21 10 90

  Targets Retention Time(min) Separation Theoretical Board Tailing Factor
1 Sorbitol 2.728   14239.4 0.97
2 Fructose 9.473 31.84 10852.1 1.01
3 Glucose 11.946 8.22 28884.4 0.96
4 Sucrose 14.117 11.58 295153.1 1.04
5 Lactose 15.035 6.35 110124.1 1.04

Ordering Information

Particle size Specification Cat. #
5μm 250×4.6 mm HCN536
3μm 4.6 mm×150 mm HAMH434

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