  • Chloramphenicol Immunoaffinity Columns
  • Chloramphenicol Immunoaffinity Columns

Chloramphenicol Immunoaffinity Columns

Chloramphenicol is an antibiotic frequently found in food and feed. The Chloramphenicol Immunoaffinity Columns are specialized for the purification of chloramphenicol from complex matrices. This method offers ease of use, high sensitivity, and reliable results.

Relevant Standards:
GB 5009.222-2016 National Food Safety Standard - Determination of Patulin in Food

Ordering Information

Cat.# Description Qty.
COIAC109-25E Chloramphenicol, 1mL 25 Pcs/Box
COAFCTN109-3-25E Chloramphenicol, 3mL 25 Pcs/Box

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