  • Copure®24-Well HLB Lim Plates
  • Copure®24-Well HLB Lim Plates

Copure®24-Well HLB Lim Plates



  • High-Throughput: 24 samples can be processed at a time, suitable for automated preparation workstations
  • Limited Matrix Effects: HLB Lim media removes interference impurities such as fat, phospholipid and pigment quickly and efficiently
  • Good Stability: reduce experimental error, higher reproducible data
  • Easy Operation: skipped activation and equilibration steps, also, cooperate with biocomma® Positive Pressure 24 Processor to simplify the purification process



The fast and high-throughput detection of 36 residue analysis of veterinary drug realized by Copure® 24-Well HLB Lim Plates.
LC-MS/MS method for the determination of 36 drug residue of tetracyclines, sulfonamides and quinolones in pork, chicken and
shrimp. The recovery rates of the two spike of 10 ng/g and 20 ng/g are between 60-110%, and the CV values is less than 10%
(n=8), which meet the standard of experimental requirements.

Ordering Information

Cat.# Description Qty.
COHLB24200-lim Copure® 24-Well HLB Lim Plates 1 Pc/Box
SDC-3000-D biocomma® Multi-Tube Vortex Mixer 1 Set/Ctn.
BCY2402 Positive Pressure 24 Processor 1 Set/Ctn.
24WP-S100 24 Well Collection Plate,square well 1 Pc/Box
BCN2403 24 Well Intelligent Nitrogen Evaporator, Flat Bottom Plate 1 Set/Ctn.

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