  • Syringe Filters

Syringe filters are small, single-use filtration device commonly used in laboratory and industrial applications. They consist of a plastic housing and an internal filter membrane and are connected to the sample via a needle or syringe. Syringe filters are highly effective in removing particulates and microorganisms from liquid samples.

Why Choose Copure® Syringe Filters

01 Various pore sizes and materials

We provide filter membranes with different pore sizes and materials to meet the needs of various samples and applications, such as nylon, PTFE, PVDF, PES, etc.

02 Stable flow rate

Ensure a consistent flow rate of the liquid through the filter to avoid variations that could affect filtration efficiency and sample uniformity.

Syringe Filters

03 High retention rate

Effectively retain impurities and particles to ensure filtrate purity and the accuracy of experimental results.

04 High-quality materials

Syringe filters are made with high-quality polypropylene housing to ensure durability and robustness, enabling a longer lifespan and greater reliability during experiments.

05 Strong pressure resistance

Syringe filters are designed with high-pressure resistance, able to withstand high pressures without deforming or breaking, which maintains their integrity and filtration efficiency even in high-pressure filtration environments.

06 Low dissolution

High-quality materials and precise manufacturing processes ensure extremely low extractables. It is particularly important to avoid bringing in impurities during the filtration process for sensitive analytical experiments.

07 Double-layer syringe filters with pre-filtration

Syringe filters incorporate a pre-filtration feature, specifically designed for handling samples with high particle content. This effectively increases filtration efficiency and extends the filter membrane's lifespan, reducing resistance for challenging samples and enabling faster filtration.

08 High-throughput Filter Plates

Designed for high-throughput sample processing, the High Throughput Filter Plate is available with 24/96 wells to filter 24/96 samples at a time for improved filtration efficiency.

Copure®Syringe Filters Performance Data

Flow rate data performance comparison: Ensure that the liquid maintains a consistent flow rate when passing through the filter, and avoid any influence on the filtering effect and the uniformity of the sample due to changes of the flow rate.

Copure® Syringe Filters Performance Data
Method for testing the flow rate: Wet the filter with pure water or alcohol (ues pure water when using the NY, PES, Hydrophilic PTFE filters). Measure the volume of the corresponding liquid passing through under 10 psi for one minute.

Retention rate performance comparison:Effectively retain impurities and particles to ensure the purity of the filtrate and the accuracy of experimental results.

Copure® Syringe Filters Performance Data
Selection of standard particle: 0.22 μm membrane filters are tested with 0.3 μm standard particles, and 0.45 μm membrane filters are tested with 0.46 μm standard particles.

Dissolution performance comparison:By following high-quality materials and precise manufacturing processes, the extractables of the syringe filter are extremely low. It's important for sensitive analytical experiments to ensure that no impurities are introduced during the filtering process to affect the accuracy of the experimental results.

Copure® Syringe Filters Performance Data
Nylon syringe filters dissolution test comparison chart Dissolution test method: filter immersed in a acetonitrile/water (70/30) solution; detection wavelength: 254 nm

Test results of the recovery rates of multiple pesticide and veterinary drug residues after passing through the membrane

Pesticide residue(by using the Nylon syringe filters) Average recovery(%) RSD(%) Veterinary drug residue(by using the hydrophilic PTFE syringe filters) Average recovery(%) RSD(%)
Propamocarb 101.7 1.98 Acesulfame 101.2 1.79
Aldicarb-sulfoxide 1002 1.76 Sulfapyridine 97.9 1.63
Aldicarb-sulfone 102.3 2.35 Sulfadiazine 98.5 3.15
Methomyl 100.4 1.34 Sulfamethoxazole 101.6 3.03
Thiamethoxam 102.1 2.65 Sulfathiazole 99.2 3.62
Imidacloprid 101.2 2.15 Sulfamerazine 98.6 2.77
Clothianidin 101.3 1.87 Sulfisoxazole 103.2 1.61
3-Hydroxycarbofuran 98.6 2.05 Sulfamethizole 100.7 2.53
Acetamiprid 98.5 2.18 Benzoyl sulfanilamide 1038 1.95
Carbendazim 99.8 1.97 Sulfisomidine 95.4 2.45
Aldicarb 98.6 1.96 Sulfadimidine 97.9 1.84
Thiophanate-methyl 99.4 2.31 Sulfamethoxypyridazine 100.5 2.56