  • Oligonucleotide Synthesis Solutions

Solid Phase oligonucleotide synthesis is the chemical synthesis of relatively short fragments of nucleic acids with defined chemical structure (sequence). It's a classic technique which is extremely useful in current laboratory practice because it provides a rapid and inexpensive access to custom-made oligonucleotides of the desired sequence. The traditional solid phase oligonucleotide synthesis consumables use two frits and CPG powder between the frits.

Developed since 2014, Biocomma Embed ™ technology represents a breakthrough in efficient, expedited, and cost-effective oligonucleotide synthesis. Our Embed™ seamlessly blends PE powder and CPG powder before placing them into a mold where they are heated to a high temperature, reaching a molten state. This unique process sinterizes the PE and CPG materials together, creating a sponge-like porous structure cylinder known as a CPG frit. By adjusting the size of the PE particles, we can precisely control the pore size of the frits. This allows us to control the flow rate.

Oligonucleotide Synthesis,oligo synthesis,DNA synthesis,RNA synthesis,Synthesis Consumables,Synthetic Biology,CPG Frits Columns,CPG frits plates,Oligonucleotide purification,RPC Columns,RPC Plates

Advantages of Embed™ Technology

1. Easy to assemble: especially for the high throughput oligo synthesis like 96 and 384 well plates.
2. Good consistency: the CPG frits can be made with as low as 2nmol loading volume each well in good consistency.
3. Controlled flow rate: we control the air resistance by control the PE partical size.


Advantage of Biocomma Oligonucleotide Synthesis Solutions

1. Compatibility: We offer wide range of columns and plates for all models of synthesizers from Dr. Oligo, Mermade, ABI, K&A, Oligomaker, Shasta synthesizers
2. Full Specifications: Besides our Embed™ CPG frits consumables, Biocomma also provide wide range of columns with PE frits and universal or modified CPG powders
3. Desalting and purification consumables: RPC purification, as well as C18/G25 desalting Consumables are widely used for purification
4. Family Products: Solvent filters, Molecular traps, 500Å/1000Å/2000Å/3000Å universal CPG, modified CPG and phosphoramidites.